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- Newly tooled turret made by 3-directional slide molds.
- Turret finely reproduced with cast detail.
- Commanders hatch can be assembled open/closed.
- Options provided for periscope assembly.
- Slide-molded gun barrel.
- Bonus metal gun barrel.
- Turret top plate with fine detail.
- Undercut detail on turret bottom reproduced by slide mold.
- Highly detailed new mantlet.
- Option of two types of commanders hatch.
- New upper-hull frontal armor with realistic interlocking detail.
- New splash guards on upper hull rendered with fine weld detail for Gasoline
Engine Type Modified Version.
- Two types of storage box provided.
- Engine-deck rear plate provided with options for different variants.
- Newly tooled rear plate features Gasoline Engine Type and Diesel Engine Type.
- New rear engine cover features Gasoline Engine Type. Optional engine cover
included for Diesel Engine Type.
- New tow-cable heads (x2) provided with options.
- Front and rear towing hooks newly made.
- Photo-etched engine-deck grills and louvers.
- Exhaust covers newly tooled.
- New left and right fenders with fine detail.
- Rear chassis plate newly tooled for T-34/76 variant from No.112 Factory.
- Spare-track tie-downs made from photo-etched parts.
- Turret rear panel with accurate bolt detail.
- Detailed suspension system.
- Suspension arms realistically recreated.
- Injection-molded track with fine detail.
- Finely detailed 550mm Magic Tracks.
- One-piece lower hull offers easy assembly.
- Metal tow cable included.
- Running dear finely reproduced.