HOME → Dragon Action Figures → WWII German → 71455

Barcode: 0 89195 71455 8
Case Pack: 1 piece per master carton
Box Size: 18.9" x 41.3" x 13.8"
As the first ever tank in the lineup, the arrival of Dragon’s 1/6 scale Panzer
II Ausf.B tank in its Action Figure collection created a lot of excited chatter
worldwide. Now Dragon has doubled the number of Panzer IIs available because
it is releasing a second variant! This time it’s a Panzer II Ausf.C, a type
that was produced by Germany from June 1938 through to April 1940. It was operated
by a crew of three, and the Ausf.C was the most common variant of the Panzer
II family. In the turret were a 20mm KwK.30 cannon and a 7.92mm MG34 machine
gun. Up-armored Panzer II Ausf.C tanks were in the forefront of the German invasion
of France in 1940, while a number were also dispatched to North Africa to fight
with the legendary Deutsches Afrika Korps (DAK).
As an Action Figure item, the tank is fully pre-painted and essentially preassembled.
Owing to its DAK usage, the impressive model is finished in a desert yellow
camouflage scheme suitable for North African combat. Even though the original
tank was diminutive in size, this model built to 1/6 scale has a significant
presence. Appropriate Dragon crew figures can also be matched with this tank.
Details are accurately represented, and there are numerous new components such
as the cupola, turret, glacis plate and engine deck. The turret rotates, the
gun elevates and depresses, plus the commander’s hatch can open, just perfect
for fitting a tank crewman in the hatch. Collectors will certainly want to clear
space on their display shelves to park this scintillating DAK Panzer II Ausf.C
right next to their Ausf.B!